How to hold a hamster?

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Publié par Julie

There are several ways to carry a hamster. You can carry it in your arms, in a pocket, in a special cage, or in a small box. The key is to secure it well so it doesn’t escape and especially, doesn’t get hurt.

Carrying a hamster safely

Always take some precautions when carrying your hamster, as they are very fragile and can easily get injured. Here are some tips to carry them without causing them harm:

  • First, take your hamster in your hands, holding it firmly but not too tightly, without squeezing its belly.
  • Place your other hand under its tail to support it.
  • Then, place it against your chest so that it is well secured and feels safe.
  • You can then put it in a pocket or a backpack, so it is even more secured and cannot escape.
  • When carrying it, be careful not to drop it and not to put it in a situation where it could get hurt.

Be aware that a hamster does not necessarily like to be handled or transported. If you exaggerate or it feels afraid, it may bite. So be patient and do not force it to do something it doesn’t want to do.

How to attract my hamster?

To be able to carry it, the best way is to attract your hamster so that it comes onto your hand or into the palm of it by itself.

As a reminder, you can only touch your hamster 15 days after its birth, not before! To make your hand attractive, there are 2 possibilities:

  • Either put a treat in the palm of your hand (not necessarily recommended for a baby).
  • Or put a new roll of toilet paper, for example, or a toy in which your hamster will immediately slip, which you will then just have to carry. In this way, your hamster will find itself on your hand and get used to it.

Lifting a hamster

Your hamster is not a puppy or a kitten: do not lift it by the nape of its neck! They are far too fragile and delicate for that, and you would hurt them. Similarly, lifting it by a leg or by the tail will cause it excessive pain.

3 ways to grasp your pet:

  • Bring your hands together to make a platform, and it will then climb onto it.
  • Put your hand under its belly if your hamster is pretty relaxed and not very stressed.
  • Wrap your thumb and index finger around it, in a way that makes a “circle” around its body so you can lift it without pressing on its belly.
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Publié par Julie

Passionnée des hamsters depuis mon plus jeune âge, je partage avec vous toutes mes connaissances à leur sujet !