
& compagny

A guide and advice on everything you need to know about your adorable companions

7 reasons to choose a hamster

Because they are excellent companion animals for several reasons summarized below, although in my opinion, the list could be much longer. It is the best pet, see for yourself:

1. Hamsters are very easy to feed

They are very inexpensive to feed, as they only eat small amounts. The annual cost for food amounts to a few tens of euros at most, nothing compared to the feeding costs of a dog or cat.

2. It is very easy to take care of a hamster

Unlike traditional pets like dogs or cats, hamsters require very little maintenance, as they are naturally quite clean. Going on vacation is therefore not a dilemma, there’s no need to take them with you, nor to take them out to relieve themselves before bedtime!

3. Hamsters are particularly sociable

Some pets can be feared because they might hurt children, scratch, or simply be unsociable: the exact opposite of hamsters, who, through their liveliness and daily antics, will bring joy and happiness to their owners, both young and old.

4. They are inexpensive to buy and maintain

The price of a hamster depends on its species, but a hamster is not expensive! In addition to an affordable purchase price, they also cost less on a daily basis compared to traditional pets. Honestly, I think it's the cheapest pet!

5. They are quiet pets

During the day, a hamster sleeps or rests. Thus, it is quite silent. At dusk or at night, it will play with the items you've placed in its cage, making only a relatively small noise. Therefore, unless you place your hamster's cage right next to your bed, you won't hear a thing!

6. They do not cause damage

You may be surprised (or not), but we have never seen a hamster urinate on a carpet, scratch a couch, or tear curtains. They are far too calm animals, as we tell you!

7. They are really funny, cute, and affectionate!

And this is probably the best reason: hamsters are active and playful, making them enjoyable pets to have and fun to watch. You will feel a sense of serenity and a calming effect while petting them. The cherry on top: they can be trained to do tricks, which makes them even more amusing.

Tips & Questions about hamsters

What is the price of a hamster?

It all depends on the breed of the hamster. It will cost you between €5 and €10 most of the time.

Does a hamster bite?

It is very rare. A hamster only bites if it's stressed or handled a bit too roughly.

Is a hamster easy to train?

Yes! But some breeds are more suited for it than others, such as the golden or Russian hamster, for example. It will be more complicated to train a Chinese hamster.

Which hamster is the friendliest?

All are friendly, but some are more sociable than others, including the golden, Roborovski, or Russian hamsters.

Which hamster lives the longest?

Generally speaking, they all have comparable lifespans, averaging 2 to 3 years. So, this is clearly not a selection criterion.

What do hamsters eat?

Hamsters need a balanced and healthy diet, somewhat like us! They primarily eat raw vegetables, seeds, and fruits. Occasionally, they can eat some small insects.

Why does a hamster scream or squeak?

It is generally a very quiet animal. Its screams can indicate stress, panic, dissatisfaction, or illness.

Does a hamster cry?

No, morphologically speaking, it is not made to cry.

How can I tell if my hamster loves me?

It's very simple: if it eats well, it's happy and appreciates what you offer it! So keep an eye on its food and take a look at its physique.

Does a hamster smell bad?

No! It is a very clean animal that has no odor.