In the wild, hamsters store food in their cheek pouches until they reach their nest, a safe place. In nature, hamsters are exposed to various predators, so it is risky for them to stop and eat just anywhere. Therefore, they prefer to store their food until they find a safe place to move it.
If you notice that your pet hamster is storing its food, don’t worry! This behavior is completely natural and healthy; it does no harm to hamsters. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your hamster feels threatened in its environment. Keep reading to learn more about this behavior and what you, as an owner, should watch for.
What are hamsters’ cheek pouches for?
A hamster’s cheek pouches are very different from ours. They have large pockets that extend to their shoulders. For example, an adult Syrian hamster can store an entire peanut in one of its cheek pouches, showcasing their storage capability. This allows hamsters to transport a large amount of food discreetly and efficiently.
In addition to food, hamsters have also been seen carrying other things in their cheek pouches. If they are preparing a nest, they may carry bedding in there. It is common for a mother hamster to carry its young in these vast cheek pouches. This protects the young from environmental dangers and allows the mother to transport them as easily as their food, even if it may seem uncomfortable.
Unlike our cheeks, these cheek pouches do not contain salivary glands. They serve not only to protect their food, their young, or their bedding but also to keep them dry. Even when their cheek pouches are packed to the brim, a hamster can still eat!

Are its cheek pouches full of food?
It’s quite astonishing, isn’t it? The little animal’s head seems to turn into a kind of gigantic balloon! Truly, it’s a sight worth seeing.
The cheek pouches of hamsters are undoubtedly one of the funkiest features of these little creatures. But be careful, even if they are cute, they are not immune to health problems. Although these issues are quite rare, as a hamster owner, you would definitely want to be aware of potential complications that can affect this delicate and important area of your pet’s body.
This information is meant to enlighten you about this fascinating topic and help you become a super-informed hamster owner. But remember, if you notice something abnormal about your hamster’s cheek pouches, do not try to play veterinarian at home! This is an extremely sensitive area, especially in such a small animal. At the slightest doubt, it’s best to consult a veterinarian specialized in exotic animals for appropriate treatment.
Localized infections and abscesses
Specific hamster foods and treats can have sharp edges – take sunflower seeds as an example. If a piece of food injures the inside of the hamster’s cheek, this can lead to a localized infection known as an abscess. This type of infection, like abscesses, is identifiable by swelling and the appearance of pus.
Considering the tiny size of hamsters, such an infection can spread rapidly. Therefore, it is essential to be vigilant and monitor these signs to prevent more severe damage or life-threatening dangers:
- The hamster’s cheeks appear swollen, even when they are not storing food.
- The swelling on the hamster’s face is hard, unlike when they are storing food.
- You can see the pus-filled abscess if you manage to look inside the hamster’s mouth.
- The hamster seems to be eating less. Painful areas may be very sensitive.
If you suspect your hamster has an abscess, the only solution is to take it to the vet. They will establish a treatment plan to help your hamster recover and return to its normal eating habits quickly!
Cheek pouch inversion
Cheek pouch inversion: that sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, doesn’t it? Well, it’s quite surreal, I admit.
So, imagine that your hamster’s buccal pouch inverts and pops out of its mouth… a bit like your handbag turning inside out by itself with all its contents spilling out. It’s quite visual, as you will see a small pink part (that’s the buccal pouch) protruding from the corner of your hamster’s mouth.
It’s clearly time for a little trip to the vet. Sometimes, although not always, the vet must stitch the buccal pouch back in place – like putting all your belongings back in your handbag and closing it. It’s a delicate procedure that only a veterinary professional should attempt. So, don’t try to play superhero; let the pros do their job!
How to prevent this oral problem?
First, ensure that your hamster chews on appropriate foods. Foods that are too soft, like bananas, can sometimes get stuck in the buccal pouches and cause impaction. So, as long as your hamster munches on foods of normal texture, everything should be fine.
Next, remember that chewing on safe objects is crucial for your hamster’s health. It helps limit the growth of their teeth, thus preventing any risk of snagging in the buccal pouches. So, provide good chew toys or treats like untreated wood for them.
Finally, ensure that your hamster’s habitat is free from sharp edges. If your hamster chews on the sharp edges of the cage or the cage itself, tears can occur in the buccal pouches. So, immediately remove any broken or worn plastic, like toys and tunnels. If your hamster’s cage is damaged, do not hesitate to replace it. Your hamster will thank you with cheerful squeaks and vigorous wheel running!
Beware of overly old food!
Our hamster friends love to store food, sometimes creating little reserves for later. Unfortunately, this can lead to piles of old food scattered around the cage. So, go around the cage and remove any expired food you spot. It’s a bit like a treasure hunt, except the treasure here is a clean and safe cage!
Don’t forget to set aside some time each week for a thorough cleaning of the cage. This weekly ritual will help keep your hamster’s environment fresh and healthy. Just like for us, eating stale foods can harm the health of our little friends. So, roll up your sleeves and clean up for the well-being of our adorable hamsters.
But I’m afraid my hamster might choke!
Your hamster is a little pro at managing its food stash. Give it time, and it will naturally get rid of everything it has accumulated. There’s no need to stress it out by trying to help it unload its treasure! And yes, even though it may seem counterintuitive, our attempts to help can sometimes end up damaging their little sensitive cheeks.
So, even if you’re worried, remember that hamsters instinctively know how to manage their food supply. They are generally very good at taking care of themselves! If you suspect a problem, such as an inability for your hamster to empty its cheeks, don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian specialized in hamsters.
And remember: even if your hamster seems to be putting something non-edible in its cheeks, there’s no need to panic! They cannot swallow the foods or objects that are in their cheeks. Just like with food, they will eventually spit out what is unsuitable when they deem the time is right. So, relax and enjoy the show of these amazing little munchers!
So, feeling reassured?
You understand, hamsters’ cheeks are their most remarkable physical attribute. These little fluff balls can carry an amount of food equivalent to up to 20% of their total body weight in their small cheeks. Amazing, isn’t it?
It is perfectly natural for these little gourmands to fill their cheeks with food. However, although their cheeks may seem cute and fun when they are stuffed to the brim, they are also vulnerable. They can be subject to infections or injuries.
If you are a happy hamster owner, stay vigilant. Look for signs of abscesses, impactions, and inversions. If necessary, don’t hesitate to consult a specialized veterinarian. This vigilance can prevent serious health issues and even save your little companion’s life.
But remember, there is nothing more normal and healthy than seeing a hamster stuff its cheeks. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the spectacle offered by your hamster, whether it’s walking around with cheeks full of food or meticulously emptying its stores. It’s simply fascinating, isn’t it?