My hamster is losing its fur

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Publié par Julie

Have you noticed one or two hairless spots on your hamster? If so, read on to help determine if this hair loss is benign or more serious.

Hamsters can lose their fur due to repeated friction against bowls, toys, and other abrasive objects in their cage. This can include bedding as well. In other cases, diseases, parasites, excess moisture, nursing, or nutritional deficiencies may be involved.

Why is my hamster losing its fur?

There are several reasons that can explain hair loss in hamsters, including:

  • Friction against hard surfaces like the cage walls or worn plastic objects.
  • Exposure to moisture caused by a leaking water bottle.
  • Parasites such as mites, ringworm, fleas, and ticks that cause itching and hair loss.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • Diseases such as hormonal imbalances or kidney inflammation.
  • Natural processes such as molting or nursing babies.
  • Aging

Friction against abrasive objects in the cage

Hamsters engage in many activities that involve friction. They can dig deep into their enclosure, hiding under their bedding. Their toys are not just for play but also for rubbing. The worst case is when your hamster starts rubbing against harder surfaces, like the walls of its cage or worn bowls or plastic toys.

All these behaviors can lead to the appearance of patches or areas without fur. The best way to determine if the hair loss is due to the environment is to physically observe where it occurs.

If you see your hamster consistently rubbing one side of its body against its cage and that same side is bare, you’ve likely found the culprit.

Exposure to moisture

If you have an old water bottle in your hamster’s cage that has started leaking, this can also be another reason for baldness. Moisture affects the hamster’s fur in the same way it does human hair. This excess water is harmful to the healthy growth of hair.


When your friend is infested with mites, ringworm, fleas, and/or ticks, it will do everything it can to relieve itself, including scratching until it loses some of its fur.

If your hamster is losing its fur due to parasites, a treatment prescribed by a veterinarian should help regrow the coat. Nutritional deficiencies causing hair loss may require dietary changes and supplements recommended by a veterinarian.

Nutritional deficiencies

What are you feeding your hamster? Poor diet can impact your hamster’s weight, but not just that. It can also affect its overall health. If your hamster is lacking protein or B vitamins in its diet, you can expect it to lose some of its fur.

The eight vitamins in the B family can stimulate the natural growth of fur. These include folate or folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine.

Diseases and conditions

Hormonal imbalances, kidney inflammation, and T-cell lymphomas can all lead to hair loss. If you suspect this is a more serious health issue, don’t wait to consult your veterinarian. In fact, in cases of prolonged “baldness,” a visit to the vet can help rule out more serious problems and put your hamster on the path to a healthier coat.

Nursing after giving birth

Did your female hamster recently give birth to a litter of adorable babies? You may have noticed that her fur seems to have practically disappeared. This is not simply the stress of a new mother. When female hamsters nurse their young, it is common for some of their fur to fall out.

In this case, time will heal. As the babies begin to consume other foods besides their mother’s milk, your hamster’s fur will start to regrow.


The main reason hamsters begin to lose their fur is their age. Just as some people go bald as they age, so do our hamsters. So, if your hamster is at least two years old, it is natural and normal for it to lose its fur.

Is it normal for a hamster to lose its fur?

The fur loss in hamsters is not always concerning and it depends on the breed. Chinese dwarf hamsters do not shed much fur, but Russian and Syrian hamsters do.

Keep in mind that hamsters also molt and therefore lose more fur, regardless of the species. During molting, they make room for new fur by shedding the old. This is a biannual process that occurs in the fall and spring. If your hamster is losing fur during these times, it is likely because it is molting. There is no need for concern.

Another way to assess whether your hamster is experiencing excessive fur loss or just molting is to observe the amount of fur it is shedding. During molting, the fur loss should be minimal and limited to small amounts. If there are thick tufts of fur in your hamster’s enclosure, there is likely a more serious issue.

How to prevent it?

The first thing you need to do is identify the cause of this shedding from the options above by observing your animal. Visually or by deduction, you will certainly find the source of the problem. Then it should be treated appropriately.

If you think it’s due to food

It’s also important to monitor your hamster’s levels of iron and protein. Dried fruits, iron-enriched cereals, and small portions of hard-boiled eggs provide them with iron. Proteins come from hamster food as well as cooked beans, tofu, and unsalted raw peanuts. As always, before making any significant dietary changes, consult your veterinarian.

You should also be cautious about not giving your hamster too much protein. This could harm its kidneys. Its overall diet should be composed of a bit of protein, about 16%, but no more.

Not all nutritional deficiencies are related to what you don’t give your hamster. Sometimes, giving too much of a food can also lead to a deficiency. For example, sunflower seeds, when consumed in large amounts, can contribute to hair loss.

A balanced diet is essential for your hamster’s overall health, including the health of its coat. Be sure to:

  • Provide hamster-specific food containing all the necessary nutrients.
  • Add fresh and healthy foods in moderation, such as fruits and vegetables, to diversify your hamster’s diet.
  • Avoid overly fatty, sugary, or salty foods that can cause health problems.
  • Check with your veterinarian if a nutritional supplement is necessary.
  • It is better to replace cheese with dried fruits, barley, carob, corn, or dried peas.

If you think it’s due to one of the cage elements

  • Replace bowls and toys

If the hard edges of your hamster’s bowls and toys are causing it to lose its fur, change them. Look for smoother, rounded edges. This doesn’t mean your hamster will stop rubbing against its favorite objects, but at least, it will cause less damage.

  • Rubbing against the cage

Another inevitable behavior is rubbing against the cage. This behavior is due to the scent glands of the hamster, which are located in their hips. To spread its scent, your hamster will want to rub against anything and everything, sometimes even you. This phenomenon is more common in certain hamster species than in others, such as Syrians. Females are also more likely to do this than males.

This behavior is normal and natural, but it can lead to a small loss of fur. Therefore, the best you can do is monitor how much your hamster is rubbing against its cage. If this behavior results in the appearance of bald spots, keep the hamster away from its cage for a while.

  • Its environment

If you are using cedar or pine shavings for your hamster’s bedding, you should switch to a softer material. These shavings can easily come off and cause infection or injure your hamster. Moreover, this bedding is not soft at all. Whether sleeping, digging, or using it regularly, your hamster may lose its fur.

If you must use wood shavings, choose aspen instead. It is softer than cedar or pine shavings.

Improving your hamster’s environment and lifestyle can also help prevent hair loss. Here are some tips for creating an optimal environment for your companion:

  • Ensure that the cage is large enough to allow your hamster to move freely.
  • Regularly clean the cage to avoid the buildup of dirt and moisture that can cause skin and coat problems.
  • Provide shelter and hiding spots to reduce stress.
  • Offer suitable toys to entertain your hamster and allow it to scratch its claws without injuring itself.

Hair loss in hamsters: no panic!

As you can see, minor hair loss is normal, but a large tuft of fur falling out abundantly is not!

Simple changes to your pet’s environment, diet, and lifestyle should help resolve this issue. If hair loss persists or worsens, don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. While some hair loss is natural and not alarming, truly bald spots deserve a visit to the veterinarian.

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Publié par Julie

Passionnée des hamsters depuis mon plus jeune âge, je partage avec vous toutes mes connaissances à leur sujet !

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