What is the sex of my hamster?

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Publié par Julie

This is a question that many hamster owners ask themselves. It is not always easy to determine the sex of a hamster, especially if you are not familiar with the anatomical features of both sexes. Fortunately, there are a few ways to know if your hamster is male or female. In this article, we will explain how to determine the sex of your hamster based on its physical appearance and behavior.

Male or Female, how to tell them apart?

When adopting a hamster or buying it from a pet store, it is rare to know its sex in advance.

There are several methods to determine the sex of a hamster. The most reliable method is to examine the anatomy of the animal:

  • Male hamsters have a scrotal pouch located under their abdomen. They also have testicles that can be seen or palpated through the skin.
  • Female hamsters do not have a scrotal pouch and their vulva is located closer to their anus.

Dwarf hamsters usually have a wider genital opening than Syrian hamsters, which makes it easier to sex them. However, it is always best to ask for the help of a veterinarian or an experienced breeder to ensure that the animal’s sex is correctly determined.

Physical Characteristics of Male and Female Hamsters

Male and female hamsters have slightly different physical characteristics. Males are generally a little larger than females and have denser fur. Females typically have finer and silkier fur. Both sexes have legs and tails of similar lengths. Males generally have slightly better hearing and vision than females. Females usually have a more sensitive sense of smell than males.

Hamsters are solitary animals and, generally, males do not get along with females.

Male hamsters are typically larger than females, with thicker fur. They also have a gland on their belly, called the Cauvet gland, which is absent in females.

Another way to determine a hamster’s sex is to observe its posture. Males tend to stand upright on their hind legs, while females tend to hunch.

Behavioral Differences

There are many differences between male and female hamsters regarding their behavior. Male hamsters can sometimes be more aggressive and difficult to handle. They are also more likely to escape from their cage. Female hamsters, on the other hand, are generally calmer and easier to handle.
That being said, do not conclude that a species of hamster is kinder than another, because regardless of their sex or species, their personality is a far more determining factor in this regard.

Should You Choose a Male or Female Hamster?

Choosing between a male or female hamster for adoption depends on several factors, including specific characteristics related to each hamster species.

When buying and adopting a hamster, the decision between a male or female can vary significantly depending on the species concerned. Behaviors, cohabitation, and even necessary care differ, thus offering a range of choices suited to your needs and living environment.

Golden Hamsters

Golden hamsters are marked by a strong preference for solitude, regardless of their sex. However, if one must choose, males tend to be less demanding companions, unlike females who may be more energetic and emit stronger odors during their heat cycles. Early separation, starting at 5 weeks, is crucial to avoid forced cohabitation.

Chinese Hamsters

For those considering adoption within the Chinese hamster species, the choice between males and females is less critical as both sexes display similarities in both appearance and behavior. Nevertheless, for harmonious cohabitation, males are preferred, coexisting with fewer frictions than females, who may show tendencies towards isolation.

Russian Hamsters

In the case of Russian hamsters, although the physical and behavioral differences between the sexes are minimal, males tend to live together better, thus avoiding the tensions often observed in females. Vigilance is necessary to prevent conflicts that may require permanent separation.

Roborovski Hamsters

Little known but gaining popularity, Roborovski hamsters show no notable differences between sexes, offering flexibility in adoption. Their peaceful coexistence makes this species an ideal choice for those seeking to avoid complications related to gender.

Campbell Hamsters

With almost identical sizes between sexes, Campbell hamsters share traits with Russian and Chinese hamsters, where males, more inclined to group living, are favored to avoid the frequent disputes seen in females.

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Publié par Julie

Passionnée des hamsters depuis mon plus jeune âge, je partage avec vous toutes mes connaissances à leur sujet !