Well, apart from the category of hamsters, I present to you the Angora hamster. You will quickly identify it due to its long fur, which is characteristic of its species. But by the way, is it really a distinct species of hamster?
Where does the Angora hamster come from?
It is believed to have first appeared in England in the mid-19th century. The Angora hamster is a subspecies of domestic dwarf hamster developed from the golden Syrian hamster. Some breeders therefore do not consider it a distinct species, but not all specialists agree with this view. The only point all enthusiasts will agree on: this small mammal is part of the Cricetidae family.
Angora hamsters are thought to have been introduced to Europe in the 1930s and were imported to the United States in the 1940s. Angora hamsters became very popular as pets in the 1950s and 1960s. Since then, they have gained popularity worldwide. Angora hamsters are now one of the most popular species of domestic hamsters.
The Angora hamster: a long-haired hamster
It is characterized by its long silky fur and bushy tail. They can measure up to 12 cm long, including their tail, and generally weigh around 100 to 150 grams.
Angora hamsters are generally white, but they can also be gray, black, brown, cream, or red. Their long and silky fur is soft to the touch. They therefore need regular brushing to avoid knots in this tuft of fur that is so pleasant to touch! Males are usually larger than females and have longer fur.
Very sociable and playful, they are at least as curious as our human children, with whom they will undoubtedly quickly form friendships. Their trainable nature is an additional asset for them to be adopted by children.

Character and behavior
Generally very gentle and affectionate, Angora hamsters love above all things to be petted and cuddled. They are known to be one of the calmest and easiest hamster species to handle. They are considered very intelligent and can learn to perform simple tricks. To summarize: they are an adorable little ball of fur.
Not only are they very affectionate and calm, but they are also gentle, cuddly, and playful! All these characteristics make them predestined to become an ideal pet for children.
Ideal for children, you say?
Yes, if and only if they do not sleep in the child’s room at night! Otherwise, beware of unexpected wake-ups! Indeed, Angora hamsters are nocturnal animals and spend most of their time sleeping during the day. Conversely, they are very active at night and can run up to 8 km in their wheel, which will certainly create quite a bit of noise.
At dusk, they start to come out and play
They love to play with wheels and balls, and are also known for digging tunnels in their cage. Angora hamsters are generally very curious, which makes them fun to watch. They are very clean animals that spend a lot of time grooming themselves. They also enjoy playing in their bedding, which can help them clean their fur.
The diet of the Angora hamster
The diet of the Angora hamster is crucial for its well-being. Provide your hamster with a balanced and nutritious diet, rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It is recommended to give your hamster a small amount of food in small pieces, as they have very small teeth.
Foods to avoid are those high in sugar, starch, or fat, as they can cause health problems for your Angora.
On the recommended food side for Angora hamsters, one should favor seeds, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Let’s repeat again, Angora hamsters need a balanced diet and must have access to clean water.
Very sensitive to changes in their diet, one should avoid frequently varying the type of food given, and if you wish to introduce new foods, do so gradually.
Care for the Angora hamster
This is the weak point of this hamster species: while its fur is so soft and the source of many cuddles, it is nevertheless a significant drawback: regular brushing of their fur is necessary to prevent knots and tangles and to avoid having their fur become matted.
Angora hamsters need a spacious habitat with a wheel, toys, and hiding places. They are very sensitive to heat and cold. They are also prone to respiratory diseases. Angora hamsters are very fragile and must be handled with care.
What is their life expectancy?
The life expectancy of an Angora hamster is 2 to 3 years on average, although the hardiest among them, if well-fed and living in a peaceful space, can live up to 5 years in captivity.
Buying an Angora hamster
Whether from a breeder or pet store, this species being less common than the traditional Syrian, golden, or Russian hamsters, their price is slightly higher than these ordinary hamsters. They are often sold under the name “long-haired hamster.”