Before welcoming a new hamster into your home, prepare its cage by installing the various elements it will need. Here are some tips for properly preparing your hamster’s cage.
Choosing the Right Type of Cage for Your Hamster
There are several types of hamster cages on the market, and it can be difficult to know which is best for your pet. Here are some factors to consider when buying a hamster cage:
- The size of the cage is important. It should be large enough for your hamster to explore and move around freely.
- The cage should have multiple levels so that your hamster can climb and exercise.
- The bars should be thick enough that your hamster cannot chew them and escape.
- The cage should have a sturdy door, allowing you to easily enter and exit with your hamster.
- It should be easy to clean and maintain.
- The cage should also have a secure lid since hamsters are escape artists.

Properly Equipping Your Hamster’s Cage
Once you have chosen the cage, it’s time to add bedding. A soft, absorbent material, like wood shavings or paper pellets, will help keep your hamster’s home clean and dry. You should also provide a hideout, like a small cardboard box or tunnel, where your hamster can go to feel safe. Finally, furnish the cage with food and water dispensers, as well as plenty of toys and chew items. By taking the time to prepare an adequate home for your hamster, you will pave the way for a lifelong friendship.
The Size of the Cage
Your hamster’s cage should be large enough to allow it to move freely. Indeed, hamsters are very active animals and love to exercise. For a small hamster, a cage with a surface area of at least 0.60 m² is ideal. For an adult hamster, the cage should measure at least 1 m².
The Cage Bars
The bars of your hamster’s cage should be spaced widely enough to allow it to easily pass its head through. Indeed, hamsters have a relatively large head compared to their body, and they should not be able to get it stuck between the bars. The bars should also be sturdy enough that your hamster cannot gnaw on them.
The Bottom of the Cage
The bottom of your hamster’s cage should be made of plastic, glass, or metal. Indeed, hamsters are very clean animals and enjoy grooming themselves. If the bottom of their cage is made of paper, they may tear it and make a mess quickly.
Nests and Caves
Nests and caves are essential elements in your hamster’s cage. Indeed, they need a place to rest and hide. Nests and caves should be made of plastic or fabric, as hamsters like to gnaw on them from time to time.
Toys are also very important in your hamster’s cage. Indeed, they love to play and expend energy. Toys should be made of plastic or fabric. You can, for example, put a wheel, a ball, etc., in your hamster’s cage.
When Should You Change Your Hamster’s Cage?
Change your hamster’s cage when necessary. There are several factors to consider if you decide to change your hamster’s cage. These factors include the size of the cage, the age of the hamster, and the number of hamsters you have.
The size of the cage is one of the most important factors to consider. You need to ensure your cage is large enough for your hamster. Hamsters need space to explore and play. If your cage is too small, your hamster may become agitated and stressed. It is recommended to choose a cage that measures at least 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm.
The age of the hamster is also an important factor to consider. Young hamsters and older hamsters need different types of cages. Young hamsters require larger cages to allow them to grow and play. In contrast, older hamsters need smaller cages to rest and relax in a more intimate space.
The number of hamsters you have is also an important factor to consider. If you have multiple hamsters, you will need a larger cage to prevent them from fighting over territory.