Choosing which breed of hamster to adopt essentially depends on your desires as well as their future living conditions. Before you decide which species to buy, you should ask yourself the following questions: do you prefer to buy a hamster to cuddle or just to watch? Will it be given to young or very young children? Do you want to tame or train it? Do you want a small or a large hamster? etc.
Depending on your answers to these questions, certain species of hamsters will be recommended while others should be avoided. Below you will find all the elements allowing you to compare the species of hamsters and make your choice.
Choosing a Russian Hamster
- Name: Russian hamster
- Size: about 10 cm
- Body: relatively small and fragile, quite difficult to hold
- Weight: from 45 to 65 grams
- Colors: Brown gray, white, sapphire, pearl
- Life span: 18 months to 3 years
- Character: shy, very friendly, enjoys being petted, quite active
- Training: no problem, but prefer to tame when young
- Recommended for children? ★★★(except for very young children)
Choosing a Syrian or Golden Hamster
- Name: Syrian or golden hamster
- Size: from 15 to 20 cm – it’s the largest
- Body: large, therefore easy to hold
- Weight: from 100 to 200 grams
- Colors: many choices, ranging from golden, reddish to brown
- Life span: 2 to 3 years
- Character: very friendly, calm and not aggressive
- Training: easy to tame
- Recommended for children? ★★★
Choosing a Campbell’s Hamster
- Name: Campbell’s hamster
- Size: from 7 to 10 cm
- Body: small and fragile
- Weight: from 40 to 60 grams
- Colors: often gray
- Life span: 2 years
- Character: not particularly friendly, can be aggressive and bite
- Training: quite difficult to hold, and therefore to tame
- Recommended for children? ★☆☆
Choosing a Roborovski Hamster
- Name: Roborovski hamster
- Size: 5 cm
- Body: very small and fragile
- Weight: from 30 to 50 grams
- Colors: white, sandy or gray
- Life span: 1.5 to 2 years
- Character: shy, prone to stress, very active, pleasant
- Training: possible but complicated because active and therefore difficult to hold.
- Recommended for children? ★★☆
Choosing a Chinese Hamster
- Name: Chinese hamster
- Size: 10 cm
- Body: resembles a mouse, long body, quite small
- Weight: from 30 to 50 grams
- Colors: gray, brown
- Life span: 2 to 2.5 years
- Character: shy, good nature, lively, climber
- Training: feasible, likes to cling to hands for play
- Recommended for children? ★★★

Comparative Table of Hamster Species
You will have understood that each species has its character and its particularities, its small advantages and disadvantages, even if the latter are always minor! To summarize the previous characteristics and help you make your choice, here is a summary table of the elements described earlier:
Hamster Russe | Hamster Syrien ou doré | Hamster de Campbell | Hamster Roborovski | Hamster Chinois | |
Taille et morphologie | 10 cm Petit et fragile | 15 à 20 cm Le plus grand | 7 à 10 cm Petit et fragile | 5 cm Très petit et fragile | 10 cm Petit Ressemble à une souris |
Poids | 45 à 65 gr | 100 à 200 gr | 40 à 60 gr | 30 à 50 gr | 30 à 50 gr |
Espérance de vie | 1,5 à 2 ans | 2 à 3 ans | 2 ans | 1,5 à 2 ans | 2 à 2,5 ans |
Couleurs | Gris-brun Saphir Perle | Beaucoup de choix Doré Bruns Rougeâtre | Souvent gris | Blanc Sable Gris | Gris Marron |
Caractère | Timide Très amical Actif Aime les caresses | Très amical Peu agressif Calme Joueur | Neutre Peut être agressif Peut mordre | Timide Sujet au stress Très actif Très énergique | Timide Bonne humeur Actif et vif Agile et grimpeur |
Dressage | A apprivoiser jeune | Facile à tenir Facile à apprivoiser | Assez difficile à tenir | Difficile car très vif Fragile | aime s'accrocher aux mains |
Adapté aux enfants | ★★★ | ★★★ | ★☆☆ | ★★☆ | ★★★ |